Create an account

How to create an account with EasyTranslate

If it is your first visit to the Easy Translate platform, you are required to create an account before being able to access it. Creating a client account is very simple : 

  • First, you need to fill out the email and password (and password confirmation) you wish to use to log in and accept the Easy Translate Terms & Conditions. It is not possible to use the same email for multiple users therefore this email needs to be unique.
  • Then, you are requested the following basic personal information to setup your account information: First name, last name, company name, phone number, language and timezone



  • Once that information has been provided, you have to fill out your billing address, your billing email, your VAT number and the currency you are using. 



  • At the next step, you will have the option to choose your payment method, and add your credit card information if it is your wished payment method.

That is it! You are now all set, ready to login on the platform!

  • I have been invited to join EasyTranslate platform



A user of EasyTranslate has invited you to join their platform, the company name inviting you is specified right before the form. 

To complete your registration and be able to use the platform as a sub-account, you need to decide on a password, confirm it and accept the EasyTranslate Terms & Conditions. Once you click on “Set up my account”, your account will be created and you will be able to login to your account using your email and the chosen password.

If you wish to decline this invitation, you simply have to click on “Decline invitation” at the bottom of the form.