Delete a translation key from your library


In order to delete a translation key from your library, you need to send a DELETE request.

You need to use your autorization Bearer token to be able to send the request.  Simply add token as an attribute to the autorization section of your request and your access token as its value.

Then, you need to add the following variables' values to your endpoint path:

    • team_name: {{TEAM_NAME}}
      Instead of {{TEAM_NAME}}, you need to provide the team_name of your team.
    • library-id: {{LIBRARY_ID}}
      Instead of {{LIBRARY_ID}}, you need to provide the library_id of the library where the key is located. 
    • key-id: {{KEY_ID}}
      Instead of {{KEY_ID}}, you need to provide the specific key_id of the key you wish to delete. 

Request example

curl --location -g --request DELETE '{{TEAM_NAME}}/libraries/{{LIBRARY_ID}}/keys/{{KEY_ID}}'