Delete one or all project(s) (SANDBOX ONLY)

Delete a single project or all the projects that exists in your team.

Please note that this action is only possible on the Sandbox environment. 

  • Delete all projects (SANDBOX ONLY)



In order to decline the price of a project, you need to send a DELETE request.

Make sure you are using the authorization token when you send the request. In the authorization section, select the type "Bearer Token".  You will then be asked to provide a value (= your access token) to the "token" key.  

Finally, you need to add a variable to your endpoint path: 
    • Team_name: {{TEAM_NAME}}
      Instead of {{TEAM_NAME}} in the request example below, you need to provide the team_name of your team. It can be retrieved from the api/v1/user endpoint.

Request example

curl --location --request DELETE '{{TEAM_NAME}}/projects/destroy-all'

  • Delete a project (SANDBOX ONLY) 



In order to decline the price of a project, you need to send a DELETE request.

Make sure you are using the authorization token when you send the request. In the authorization section, select the type "Bearer Token".  You will then be asked to provide a value (= your access token) to the "token" key.  

Finally, you need to add variables to your endpoint path: 
    • Team_name: {{TEAM_NAME}} 
      Instead of {{TEAM_NAME}} in the request example below, you need to provide the team_name of your team. It can be retrieved from the api/v1/user endpoint.
    • Project_id: {{PROJECT_ID}} 
      Instead of {{PROJECT_ID}} in the request example below, you need to provide the ID of the project that you wish to delete. 

Request example

curl --location --request DELETE '{{TEAM_NAME}}/projects/{{PROJECT_ID}}'