This article explains how to work in the EasyTranslate Editor, when you have been assigned a translation or review task on the Software platform.
When logging in to the Software platform, you will see your dashboard, that shows an overview of all your open and completed tasks:
Select the task you would like to work on by clicking the project ID. You will now reach the project card, that shows you more important details about the specific task such as:
- the customer name
- the user who uploaded the project (after the customer name). This is especially useful in case you need to reach out to the customer for questions or clarifications.
- the deadline
- the type of task
- the word count and price
- specific instructions from the customer (typically a task-specific comment)
- the options to accept or decline the task
Once the task is accepted, the button will turn into the option to open the task in the editor:
The editor is structured similar to prevalent CAT tools with the source segment to the left, the target segment to the right.
On the top bar of the editor, you can find the options to save your work in case you need to take a break from it (Save draft) along with the option to complete the task (Finish revision). Please note that it will not be possible to revisit the assignment once you've clicked Finish revision.
You also have the option to confirm or unconfirm all segments at once. It's also in the top bar, where you have to switch to the next page of segments. In this example, we have 3 pages:
Click the little download icon next to the "Edit"-dropdown to download the source file which was uploaded for translation by the customer:
To the right of the tool, you can find options to see TM and glossary matches as well as the editing history of a selected segment. You're also able to see group messages between the customer and all assigned translators for this specific task. Translators assigned for the same project ID on other languages will have access to this message thread as well:
Segments are confirmed by ticking the red cross. You can also use the shortcut cmd/ctrl + enter to confirm a segment.
If you need to move a tag, you can simply click the tag once and click again in the place where you would like to move it.
If an identical segments appears more than once in the same assignment, you will be asked if all identical segments should be auto-approved once you approve the first of these.
Once your task has been completed by clicking Finish revision, you will be locked out of the editor and land on your task card again, confirming that the task is completed.
Useful shortcuts in the editor
- cmd/ctrl + A selects either source or target segment text, depending on which one you clicked on.
- cmd/ctrl + enter confirms the currently selected segment.
- Page selection. Next to the pagination we now have a drop down where you can select a specific page in order to go to it directly